Saturday, August 16, 2008

You Suck at Photoshop - Donnie Hoyle's Hilarious Video Series

You Suck at Photoshop is a hilarious video tutorial series by "Donnie Hoyle." Of course, calling it a "tutorial" is a stretch because its main point is to amuse (although you might really learn some basics of Photoshop by viewing the videos). In the You Suck at Photoshop you can hear Donnie's wife yelling in the background as digitally removes the wedding ring from his wife's finger and other various important tasks.

In fact, as a radio report on August 16th points out, You Suck at Photoshop is really a guerilla marketing campaign created by Big Fat Institute, a company that specializes in word-of-mouth marketing campaigns.

It's working like gangbusters: You Suck at Photoshop has won a number of comedy awards and the folks at Adobe Systems, the company that makes Photoshop, are said to be fans of the videos.

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