Monday, February 04, 2008

Mardi Gras 2008 - Parade Schedules and Events

The Super Bowl is over, the Super Tuesday election primaries are Feb. 5th, but there's one other super event taking place this week: Mardi Gras! Yes, Mardi Gras is on Super Tuesday, but in New Orleans people will have their minds on beads, parades, floats, and having a drink (or two, or ten) to celebrate the occasion.

Here's a schedule of parades, routes, and maps in New Orleans and surrounding area. The New Orleans Times-Picayune has wall-to-wall Mardia Gras coverage 24/7, which you can find here. There you'll also find a primer on the basics of Mardi Gras, the history of the parades, Mardi Gras lingo, and much more.

You'll also find photos and videos, and more to come as the festivities rev up and more parades and parties are held.

Happy Mardi Gras!

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